Counselor Information
Counselors are available for appointments between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM during the school year. Students wishing to see the counselor can make an appointment with the secretary either in person or by telephone.
The Counselors are located on the Third Floor:
Ms. Walker (A-BL Counselor)
Ms. Afdjeie (Bo - F Counselor)
Ms. Kelly (G - KL Counselor)
Ms. Steedman (Km - N Counselor)
Mr. Pfau (O - Si Counselor)
Ms. Newman (Sk - Z Counselor)
Ms. Genske Counseling Office Administrative Assistant telephone: (651) 252-2517
Ms. King Counseling Office Administrative Assistant telephone: (651) 252-2516
Counseling Groups
Educational counseling groups are offered to students throughout the school year. Group participation is voluntary and student initiated. We encourage students to discuss group choices with their parent/guardian. Please take a moment to talk with your student about groups he or she may have signed up for.
The purpose of groups is to provide students with information on coping strategies, academic skills, and social skills. Groups are educational in nature and are time-limited. Group duration varies depending on the goal and focus of each group. If you do NOT want your child to participate in a group, please call the school (651)-252-2517.